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Episode 9 – Interview with Overland Nomads

Posted by on December 31, 2011


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On this episode we talk about all the cool news and products that were spotted at the SEMA Auto Show in Las Vegas, NV. Here’s a quick rundown of the sightings: Toyota Tacoma TRD T/X Baja Series Limited Edition is announced, Lincoln Plasma Cutter Table, Land Rover testing a diesel-electric plug-in hybrid, night-vision cameras mounted at the corners of a rig, Rugged Ridge shows off a removable snorkel and a power soft-top, life-size Matchbox F-350 Fire Brush Truck, Xtreme outfitters shows off a Jeep JK built for the Zombie Apocalypse, Local Motors updates the Rally Fighter and introduces “The Forge”, and the worlds first backflip in a UTV!

Links from the show:

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Toyota Tacoma TRD T/X Baja Series Limited Edition

Lincoln Electric introduces a 2’x2′ Plasma Table for about $5000

Land Rover caught testing a diesel-electric plug-in hybrid

Night-Vision mounted on the underside of a JK

Rugged Ridge introduces a removable snorkel system

Matchbox teams up with Superlift to create a life-size toy fire truck

Rugged Ridge shows off a power soft-top

Xtreme Outfitters build a JK ready for war….or a zombie apocalypse

Local Motors updates the Rally Fighter

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