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Episode 109 – Diesel F-150, Dakar, Chevy Colorado Aftermarket

Posted by on January 6, 2016

In the garage

  • Dan – new tires on the Jeep. Yukon needs a throttle body and a bunch of other stuff. Shot a caribou. Northern Light viewing.
  • Rich – Salt removal and chain maintenance.

Fridge Freeze


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  • Head over to and you’ll find a huge playlist from all the shows on The 4×4 Radio Network.  You can hit play and listen to the Centre Steer Podcast and learn about Land Rovers.  Or The Jeep Talk Show and learn about all things Jeep.  And the Muddy Mic podcast covers all things in the fast growing segment of ATVs and UTVs.  
  • We’re always looking to add new shows to the network so if you’re interested in starting an offroading related podcast of your own, reach out and let us know!


In the news:




Offroad APPtitude:




Offroading 101:  tow points. What they are and what they are not.


Outdoor Edibles:  cooking fuel. All compressed gases cool as they are used. In cold climates this can cause fuel nozzles to freeze and your burner will go out. Lines will also freeze. An alternative is to use natural material for an actual camp fire cooking, charcoal, or a non compressed gas like a dual fuel stove or white gas.


Gear Review:  Princeton Tec headlamp. 

Contact us:  


Reviews:  no new iTunes reviews lately. You can also send your reviews in through all our social media outlets but the iTunes reviews really help bump us up in the iTunes store, where most people find us.

The best review we can get though is when you tell your friends about us!  



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